Tomás Luis de Victoria
La fiesta de Pascua en Piazza Navona

The CEEH is taking part in the commemoration of the great Spanish Renaissance composer by entrusting La Grande Chapelle with the musical reconstruction of the celebrations held annually by the brotherhood of San Giacomo degli Spagnoli of Rome in the Piazza Navona during Spain’s period of greatest predominance in Italy.
Directed by Albert Recasens, a group of 27 singers and instrumentalists rediscover a hitherto unknown part of the oeuvre of Tomás Luis de Victoria (1548-1611) and contemporary compositors through a novel approach that places his polyphonic repertory in its original historical and cultural context.
The CD is recorded by LAUDA, a label specialised in the revival and performance of old musical works as well as in staging concerts which disseminate the unknown heritage of Spanish composers.
Works by: Giovanelli, Kerle, Palestrina, Victoria, Bendinelli, Razzi, Infantas, Rodio, Clavijo del Castillo, Guerrero and Animucci.
Distributed by Sémele in Spain and Grupo Outhere worldwide
La Grande Chapelle conducted by Albert Recasens
In association with
Fundación El Greco 2014, Fundación BBVA, Comunidad de Madrid; CEEH
Run time
105,07 min. (2 CDs)
Date of publication
April 2012
CD + Booklet
Digital version + Booklet
Digital booklet
Some excerpts from the CD
1. Giovanelli, Iubilate Deo, omnis terra (Motete a 8)6. Victoria, Surrexit pastor bonus (Motete a 6)
Awards and recognition
Prelude Classical Music Awards 2013Premio PdSK en la categoría de Música Antigua
(Bestenliste 4-2012)