The composition of the research teams and the institutions involved
With the support of the Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica in Madrid and the Iberian and Latin American Visual Studies Group (ARTES) in Britain, the leading scholars in the areas covered by the four projects have jointly discussed and formulated the present proposals. Dr. Hilary Macartney is the principal investigator for the first two projects. She is well known for her work on Stirling, having published a number of major papers and essays on the basis of her research, as well as writing her doctoral dissertation at the Courtauld Institute on Stirling as an Art Historian. She is joined in the Talbotype programme by Dr. José Manuel Matilla, Curator of drawings and photographs at the Prado Museum in Madrid, with a special interest in the field of early photographs of works of art in Spain. Technical support has been offered by the National Media Museum in Bradford, and additional advice promised by Professor Larry J. Schaaf in the United States, the leading expert on Talbotype technology. The Prado Museum, for its part, will provide some financial support for Dr. Matilla’s research and travel expenses.
The sole investigator and author for the Catalogue of Drawings is Zahira Véliz, well known for her publications on Spanish paintings and drawings, and as an authority on questions of restoration and conservation.
Santander Universidades collaborates with the University of Glasgow in this project.