A series devoted to studying the life, work and critical and iconographic fortunes of Velázquez, bringing together three types of books, with a single format: collected texts (articles, lectures, papers, books and exhibition reviews) by leading Velázquez specialists, combined to provide a comprehensive consultation and basic reference tool; new studies and results of recent research on Velázquez; essential studies of Velázquez’s major works, compiled and presented by a specialist.
Aby Warburg y Fritz Saxl descifran Las hilanderas
Karin Hellwig232 pages; 77 color and b/w illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; Spanish; translated by V. Maza; preface by J. Portús; originally published in German by Walter de Gruyter, 2015; with the collaboration of The Warburg Institute; 2024 -
Velázquez: su mundo y el nuestro. Estudios dispersos
Javier Portús472 pages; 147 color and b/w illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; Spanish; 2018 -
Velázquez o la salvación de la circunstancia y otros escritos sobre el pintor
Enrique Lafuente FerrariXXII + 426 pages; 85 color illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; Spanish; edited by J. Riello; essays by J. Marías and J. Vega; with the collaboration of the Museo Nacional del Prado and ABC; 2013 -
La realidad trascendida y otros estudios sobre Velázquez
Julián Gállego440 pages; 147 color illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; Spanish; prefaces by F. Calvo Serraller and J. Portús; with the collaboration of the Museo Nacional del Prado and ABC; 2011 -
Las últimas obras de Velázquez
Reflexiones sobre el estilo pictóricoGiles Knox192 pages; 48 color illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; Spanish; translated by J. Rambaud (the original English version by Ashgate Publishing, Farnham and Burlington, 2009); with the collaboration of the Museo Nacional del Prado; 2010 -
Por la fuerza del arte. Velázquez y otros
Svetlana Alpers248 pages; 163 color illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; Spanish; translated by M.L. Balseiro from the book originally published in English by Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2005; with the collaboration of the Museo Nacional del Prado; 2009 -
Escritos completos sobre Velázquez
Jonathan Brown448 pages; 190 color illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; Spanish; preface by B. Bassegoda; translated by M.L. Balseiro and F. Villaverde; with the collaboration of the Museo Nacional del Prado; 2008 -
Collected Writings on Velázquez
Jonathan Brown448 pages; 190 color illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; English; preface by B. Bassegoda; with the collaboration of the Museo Nacional del Prado; 2008 -
Venus ante el espejo
Velázquez y el desnudoAndreas Prater216 pages; 76 color illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; Spanish; translated by M.L. Balseiro of the book originally published in German by Prestel Verlag, Munich, 2002; with the collaboration of the Museo Nacional del Prado; 2007 -
Estudios completos sobre Velázquez
Diego Angulo Íñiguez388 pages; 177 color illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; Spanish; preface by J. Portús; with the collaboration of the Museo Nacional del Prado; 2007 -
Velázquez. Forma y reforma
Martin Warnke176 pages; 54 color illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; Spanish; translated by R. Aburto of the book originally published in German by DuMont, Cologne, 2005; with the collaboration of the Museo Nacional del Prado; 2007 -
Estudios completos sobre Velázquez
Complete studies on VelázquezEnriqueta Harris456 pages; 205 color illustrations; flapped paperback; 19 x 26 cm; Spanish and English; preface by N. Glendinning; with the collaboration of the Museo Nacional del Prado; 2006