Spain and Italy
A collection devoted to studying artistic and cultural relations between the main Italian and Spanish cultural centres over the centuries: the circulation of works and artists; the exchange of formal and intellectual influences; the leading players in collecting and the art market; trend-setters; and innovations in arts and letters through the Spanish presence in Italy.
España y Nápoles
Coleccionismo y mecenazgo virreinales en el siglo XVIIJosé Luis Colomer (dir.)530 pages; 354 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 24 x 30 cm; Spanish, English and Italian; with the collaboration of the Italian Embassy, the Istituto Banco di Napoli Fondazione, Ansaldo Breda España and RESI Group; 2009 -
España y Bolonia
Siete siglos de relaciones artísticas y culturalesAmadeo Serra and José Luis Colomer (dirs.)376 pages; 271 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 24 x 30 cm; Spanish; jointly published with the Fundación Carolina; 2006 -
España y Génova
Obras, artistas y coleccionistasPiero Boccardo, José Luis Colomer and Clario Di Fabio (dirs.)272 pages; 246 color illustrations; hardcover with jacket; 24 x 30 cm; Spanish; jointly published with the Fundación Carolina; 2003