Exhibition «Codices of the Sistine Chapel. Illuminated manuscripts in Spanish collections»
October 20th 2010 - January 9th 2011

Organized by the CEEH, the Biblioteca Nacional de España and the Cabildo Primado de Toledo
More information in Exhibitions
The Burlington Magazine (marzo 2011)
El Imparcial (29/12/2010)
El Imparcial (26/10/2010)
ABC.es (20/10/2010)
hoyesarte.com (20/10/2010)
Revista de Arte (20/10/2010)
La Voz Digital (20/10/2010)
lainformacion.com (20/10/2010)
Europa Press (19/10/2010)
El Mundo (19/10/2010)
adn.es (19/10/2010)
Iberarte (18/10/2010)
Revista de Arte (14/10/2010)