«Sir William Stirling Maxwell, Spanish Art Historian and Collector»

Banco Santander signs an agreement
of collaboration with the research project coordinated by CEEH
The agreement was signed by Professor Muscatelli and Luis Juste, Director of Santander Universities in the UK, at a ceremony in the Hunterian Museum at the University of Glasgow.
The project will research the context and significance of William Stirling’s Annals of the Artists of Spain (1847-48), a landmark in the history of photography and in photography as a tool of art history.
The Annals Talbotypes project will involve international collaboration between the University of Glasgow and its partners in the project, the National Media Museum, Bradford; the Prado Museum, Spain’s national gallery; and CEEH, a Spanish foundation in Madrid. The major outcome will be the publication of a facsimile and critical edition of the Annals Talbotypes (early forms of photographs).