Poorhouse International to distribute the documentaries produced by CEEH

CEEH has entrusted the international television rights to Patinir, the Invention of Landscape, Rubens, the Spectacle of Life and El Greco, Painter of the Invisible to Poorhouse International, a distributor specialised in music and art documentaries, which will be responsible for making them available on the main worldwide audiovisual platforms. The documentaries, directed by Miguel Ángel Trujillo and produced in collaboration with the Museo Nacional del Prado (the first two) and Fundación El Greco 2014 (the third), have already been shown in iconic places such as the Louvre and the Grand Palais in Paris, the Museo del Prado in Madrid, and the Bozar in Brussels. This new collaboration will boost their visibility by bringing them to a much wider audience.