Isabel Muxfeldt is awarded the first Carl Justi doctoral scholarship in Hamburg

Isabel Muxfeldt studied at the Universities Complutense of Madrid, Seville and Hamburg, from which she also holds a MA in Art History. Fully funded by the CEEH, her doctoral thesis will be dedicated to the “atmospheres of leisure” in the work of Joaquín Sorolla (1863-1923) and will focus on aspects of painting techniques and their impact on aesthetic reception. Leisure, as unconstrained free time, represents a phenomenon that began to emerge across Europe during the nineteenth century. In the search for balance and relaxation, nature became a place of yearning for recreational experience. This modern concept of leisure is reflected in numerous works by Sorolla, who enjoyed the esteem of an international audience during his lifetime. His paintings depict beach, seaside, park and countryside scenes. Furthermore, they are all characterised by a very sensual style that emphasises the colour and texture of the surfaces. Based on Gernot Böhme’s concept of atmosphere (2001), it will be analysed how Sorolla created atmospheric effects in his paintings through the use of striking techniques and carefully selected materials to convey an emotional receptive experience.