King’s College, Cambridge
Glendinning PhD Studentship in Spanish Studies, sponsored by the CEEH, awarded to Akemi Herráez Vossbrink

Akemi Herráez Vossbrink’s PhD follows a Graduate Internship at the Getty Museum’s Paintings Curatorial Department. Research for her master’s degree at Edinburgh University focused on cross-border encounters in Spanish Orientalism and Islamic art.
Her thesis will examine the New World reception of the Spanish seventeenth-century artist Francisco de Zurbarán’s oeuvre. Special attention will be given to Zurbarán and his workshop’s painting series of saints, archangels and Spanish legendary figures produced for the Colonial market from the 1630’s to the 1650’s.
Her thesis will also answer global questions on seventeenth-century trade, indigenous interactions and identities, and Spain’s role in exporting and transforming its image for the Americas.
For more details see King’s College
More information about the Studentship