Carducho. Teoría y práctica del dibujo en el Siglo de Oro closes with nearly 20,000 visitors

The exhibition Carducho. Teoría y práctica del dibujo en el Siglo de Oro (Carducho, theory and practice of drawing in the Golden Age), which ends today at the Biblioteca Nacional de España, has marked a major step forward in scholarship on Spanish drawings, which has attracted growing interest in the past few years. Through a careful selection of drawings – many never exhibited before – the Biblioteca Nacional and CEEH set out to survey the artist’s lengthy career and provide a broad view of this key figure in shaping the Madrid School of the first half of the seventeenth centuries who also played a significant role in the history of Spanish treatise writing. The show – curated by Isabel Clara García-Toraño, Álvaro Pascual Chenel and Ángel Rodríguez Rebollo – has received nearly 20,000 visitors in less than four months. The catalogue raisonné of Carducho’s drawings, which gave rise to the exhibition, now stands as a reference work on the subject.