Presentation of The Spanish Gallery Studies

To mark the publication of the first four titles of The Spanish Gallery Studies, Andrew Beresford, director del Zurbarán Centre for Spanish and Latin American Art, brought together the authors for a discussion with their predecessor, Claudia Hopkins: Xanthe Brooke, the author of Murillo’s True Portrait of the Holy King Ferdinand III in Context, Piers Baker-Bates, the author of Artistic Exchanges between Spain and Italy, 1516-1621. Orrente Maíno, Tristán, Borgianni and Cavarozzi, Marjorie Trusted, the author of The Sculptural Works in the Spanish Gallery, and Marta Cacho Casal, the author of Damaged Soul. Visual Cultures of the Penitent Magdalene. Brooke, Baker-Bates, Cacho Casal and Trusted conducted the research leading to these volumes thanks to fellowships funded by the CEEH. The collection, published jointly by the CEEH and the Spanish Gallery, is devoted to studying the Bishop Auckland holdings and now has a fifth title. Jonathan Ruffer, the founder of The Auckland Project and the author of the forewords, also took part in the discussion, underlining the relevance and importance of these monographs, which are making it possible to catalogue, analyse and contextualise the holdings of one of the largest current collections of Spanish art in the United Kingdom.
Andrew Beresford, director of the Zurbarán Centre
Claudia Hopkins, professor at the University of Edinburgh
Jonathan Ruffer, founder of The Auckland Project