26th International Festival of Films on Art (FIFA) March 6-16, Montreal

The documentary Patinir. La invención del paisaje, released by Angular Producciones in collaboration with the Museo Nacional del Prado and the CEEH, participates in the 26th edition of the Festival International du Film sur l’Art, held from 6th to 16th March 2008 in Montreal.
With more than 275 films from 25 countries, FIFA is the most important annual festival of its kind in the world. Winner of the prestigious Grand Prix awarded by the Montreal Arts Council (2000), FIFA “is a mix of eras and styles, disciplines and practices; combining innovation and tradition, it reflects the passion and tenacity behind artistic expression, its profound and dazzling content, its past and present trends.”
Patinir. La invención del paisaje was shown on 6th March at the Musée des Beaux Arts de Montreal as part of the “Panorama international/Trajectoires” series.