García López, David
David García López holds a PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid and teaches in the art history department of Murcia University. His research has been focused on historiographic sources and art theory of the Modern Age. Prominent among his books are Spanish editions of Ascanio Condivi’s biography of Michelangelo (Vida de Miguel Ángel, 2008), the letters of Michelangelo (Cartas de Miguel Ángel, 2008) and Leonardo da Vinci’s treatise on painting (Tratado de Pintura, 2013) and, together with Daniel Crespo Delgado, a critical edition of Juan Agustín Ceán Bermúdez’s Historia del Arte de la Pintura en España (2016), as well as the monographs Lázaro Díaz del Valle y las vidas de pintores de España (2008) and Arte y pensamiento en el Barroco: fray Juan Ricci de Guevara (1600–1681) (2010).