CEEH Centro de Estudios Europa Hispánica

Scholarships for the Universidad Autónoma in Madrid

The CEEH has awarded two full scholarships for the master’s degree in Historia del Arte de la Edad Moderna. Tradición clásica y mundo globalizado [Early Modern Art History. Classical tradition and globalised world] taught at the Universidad Autónoma in Madrid and at the Real Academia de Bellas Artes de San Fernando:

Sofía Izal Montorio holds a degree in art history from the Universidad Autónoma in Madrid. Her final project, entitled La imagen de las coyas en la ‘Nueva corónica y buen gobierno’ de Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala (1615) and supervised by Professor Elena Alcalá Donegani, studied the original manner in which the Andean author Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala shaped a particular image of the Inca queens, the Coyas, through a textual and visual analysis. It led her to explore the processes of artistic assimilation and invention in the viceregal world. This aspect – studying artistic production in non-European contexts during the Early Modern Age – is, in fact, one of the reasons why she is currently pursuing this master’s degree. Her main interests revolve around the worldwide circulation of objects, the processes of artistic dissemination, reception and invention, and female agency during the Early Modern period.

Laura Pastor Ballesteros graduated in art history from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Her final project, Leyendas de Lo Spagnoletto: fortuna crítica e identidad nacional en la obra de José de Ribera, directed by Professor Juan Luis González García, examines the commonplaces found in the reception of Jusepe de Ribera’s life and oeuvre work in artistic literature, paying attention to his incorporation into the process of defining the Spanish school. During the 2023–24 academic year she benefited from a collaboration grant at the university’s Department of Art history and Theory. She has also completed work experience at Patrimonio Nacional and the Instituto Moll. In addition, she collaborated, as part of the technical secretariat, on the 10th Seminar on Art and Culture at the Court Repensar la ‘literatura artística’: escritos, autores e interpretaciones de una identidad en transformación (siglos XV–XXI), organised by the Instituto Universitario ‘La Corte en Europa’ (IULCE-UAM) and the UAM’s Department of Art History and Theory.

More information about these scholarships